RNA Victoria Minisymposium
Information and Registration
The aim of this mini-symposium is to facilitate the scientific discussion and research communication between Victorian scientists who studied topics related to RNA biology and its applications.
Thursday, Dec 2, 2021
G31 Lecture Theater, Learning & Teaching Building, 19 Ancora Imparo Way​, Monash University, Clayton
Registration is FREE for catering, venue booking and communication purposes
14:00 - 14:05
Chair: Chen Davidovich, Monash University
Welcome and introduction
mRNA splicing and localization
Session ​Chair: Jacki Heraud-Farlow — Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research
Speakers from the following labs:
Dr Mike Clark, University of Melbourne: Quantifying RNA isoforms from nanopore sequencing with NanoCount and NanoSplicer.
Dr Vihandha (Vi) Wickramasinghe, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre: Using mRNA export inhibitors to uncover nuclear dynamics of mRNA export.
Coffee break
RNA-binding proteins and RNPs
​Session Chair: Michael Uckelmann — Monash Universtiy
Speakers from the following labs:
Dr Mihwa Lee, La Trobe University: Implications of RNA-binding proteins in neurodegenerative diseases.
Dr Gavin Knott, Monash University: Mechanisms and applications of CRISPR-Cas RNA sensors.
Drinks and Nibbles
Scientific Organizing Committee
Chen Davidovich (Convenor), Minni Anko, Carl Walkley, Traude Beilharz, Vi Wickramasinghe, Michael Gantier